May 26, 2009

Holiday Mood

This is intended to sound monotonic, rather very important for it to be so. Delving into the depths of time, I can closely observe the fact that things never change, for that matter it is just illusionary to feel the dynamism of any issue. As an Economist, (well..I take a chance to call myself so at least now for the NCAER entry part) it is not fair on my part to say dynamics is close to crap. But, it is definitely close to something atrocious. If there is any deviation from the regular stream of happenings, it is showcased to be purposeful. Nothing can more stupefying. It is not sufficient to define individual property rights , but it is individual thought comfort rights that have to be defined. True that economics considers children as social goods, but the boundaries were left at the mercy of the bulldozers of the society. Hmm..finally it is important for everything said above to induce monotony into the way they could be absorbed, because am just NORMAL !!

May 23, 2009


"If I ever witnessed a war,
there were only 2 players so far.

One who is struggling to relieve itself from the mists of time,
sharing its pain with me though there was no indelible crime.

The other in disguise is no foe,
But regret and sorrow in a mow.

They share a common abode,
where they never miss to cross the code.

Its just me and me,
Leaving no chance to flee

Its not a single moment which triggered me to pen down something that can let all the pain off..I might have great company for many of them would definitely feel the same as I wrote above.

May 19, 2009

War of Thoughts

Back home after eight semesters..the world sounds like it is stable at this instance, well..they at least say so, coming down to the political results. But, if we have to define stability, I'll stand a good chance to getting my definition approved. After looking through my previous posts, a slight introspection makes me feel am confused to the core, but that's what makes me completely normal even at times which climb the chart to be marked abnormal. Coming to keeping up with relationships, it is definitely a task far ahead of simply playing with words. Hmm..this isn't just dropping out of the blue, it always has been a priority and will remain forever. Oooofffff....enough of beating around the bush..I Miss my Friends..

May 12, 2009

Final Compree

Ahhhh..finally, adios to the courses that gave me company for four long years keeping me totally insulated from them. This might be the smallest post of all, including the ones in the future, as I just realized its too difficult to speak of something that disowns me. I could finally feel the "unfelt". But very true..the most ephemeral of all on earth are just these momentary jerks of psycological imbalances that tend me to overspeak in a disorderly fashion that I wonder how I myself am incomprehendable. Its just the nervousness thats ruling the moment, may be and just may be ! The undiscovered traits slowly glow in the dark, making the part of 'the brighter side of life being always gloomy' an efficient truth capable enough to prove me not so skeptical about watever said. Ya....this does sound pessimistic if perceived from a pretentious stand, but do not mistake it for just 'preparing for the worst' , it has always been better than that and will remain so forever.From the reference frame of truth, its just been perky mood as time tends to....say Lunch Time (:P)..well..the world outside is waiting..I'll go get done with my last compree and then stay perky forever :)

May 4, 2009

Consys Experience

To begin with this, I might sound very monotonic coming to managing exams, burning mid-night oil, sleepy during the test, blank writing the test, regretting for a little while thinking, 'damn! should'nt have skipped that part in the book'.....definitely not an endless list, but am bored myself.
Today, I felt it was terrible..just another day of an exam. Sounding pessimistic has'nt come of age, but just came out of that frustration listening to a few people doing things the way they ought to be done. Reminiscent of the past, 'who was'nt an achiever?' , this always sounded great. But now..I presume everyone has an answer for the scenario I am trying to pretend to complicate. To put the test in plain simple words, its goes something that can be like this..A few preposterous 'dead' people are invited to visit the place where they are given a chance to question us or the most scariest part being, 'do you know this chap? do you this one at least?' the course instructor virtually yelling at us this way..its way too intolerable..after all this horror filled scenario, the bell goes..ya the option of not waiting for it is always inviting, but the 'guilt' made me wait for it. Finally I am done with it !! its party time again..

May 2, 2009


When Heisenberg rules, he fails to rule the arena of misfortune. Its my first comprehensive test in final semester, in an hour from now. This seemed the best way to mark the moment. I decided to wake up Heisenberg from his grave and challenge him that the fate of my test is gonna be certain. Well this might sound crappy if scientifically challenged, but anything and everything is most of the times right, provided psychologically fought. I take this leverage to unarguably argue. Well..getting back to the perky style, signing off today with my first blogging experience with yummy cheesy smile :)