July 9, 2009

One Person World ! (Esoteric Expressions)

It is the thoughts of someone that keeps the fragrance of a totally imaginary flower linger around, not just for a long time but for the rest of the life. When situation demands should the small world converge to a single person? Is it really true that 'the world works this way', as one of my friend puts it? I disagreed with him for there existed someone who I could think of and just wipe out those words. The value given to a person is not merely for a part of the life but it remains alive even after death in the form of deeds and expressions. But, ya it is not fair to dismiss the thought that people change and are never the same. The ability to handle any changes in a balanced manner is what life is supposed to teach us. If we are not docile, that does'nt in any way mean things are bound to happen the way they had been since ages and generations. Well, if growing up is nothing but narrowing down and freezing the boundaries, definitely the world will converge to a single person!!

July 7, 2009

Lost to the times..Perhaps lost at the moment itself !!

So Close..Yet so Far,
Simplest feeling ever, of the multitude,
The trap could'nt recognise me, did it? NEVER !
For I was not a mere fruit of Ephemeral Pulchritude.

Never did I miss,
The crests and troughs of Attitude,
But it was always a Bliss,
For smile was my companion in Solitude.

There were words and pain, silence and war,
Unperturbed glory eloped with smiles.
So Close yet So Far,
For we still got to travel miles and miles.

Crappy huh!! Well..those which sound beyond pragmatism * are bound to be mere Crap.
*for those read and not write, exceptions exist.

July 5, 2009

Brighter side of life !!

Whatever things might tend to be, the tinge of skepticism or the so called pessimism is part of the shadow. Though the screen of vision is bright and glossy, "WHY IS THE BRIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE ALWAYS GLOOMY?" Its not a philosophical note but not even that which can be washed away as a rhetoric. A few of those great moments that filled hearts tend to move away with time, and the heaviness of choice has to be carried along throughout the journey.
Well..getting back to simpler straight issues, its my first day as an intern in NCAER. May be a nice place, yet to discover some happiness here. But, ya I'll dig in for it very soon. Missing all my friends, but its part and parcel of life. OMG!! Another Cliche on its way hanging around my neck and bothering me to the extent of letting my vision blur for a moment. I'll get back after short clearance..till then Sayonara with a smile (A small curve that sets mant things straight).