May 4, 2009

Consys Experience

To begin with this, I might sound very monotonic coming to managing exams, burning mid-night oil, sleepy during the test, blank writing the test, regretting for a little while thinking, 'damn! should'nt have skipped that part in the book'.....definitely not an endless list, but am bored myself.
Today, I felt it was terrible..just another day of an exam. Sounding pessimistic has'nt come of age, but just came out of that frustration listening to a few people doing things the way they ought to be done. Reminiscent of the past, 'who was'nt an achiever?' , this always sounded great. But now..I presume everyone has an answer for the scenario I am trying to pretend to complicate. To put the test in plain simple words, its goes something that can be like this..A few preposterous 'dead' people are invited to visit the place where they are given a chance to question us or the most scariest part being, 'do you know this chap? do you this one at least?' the course instructor virtually yelling at us this way..its way too intolerable..after all this horror filled scenario, the bell goes..ya the option of not waiting for it is always inviting, but the 'guilt' made me wait for it. Finally I am done with it !! its party time again..


SSV said... being an Achiever... Ooh!! . Never knew this is what went through one's thought process in an examination hall!! Anyways thanks to your guilt pangs... you stayed through and fought it out!

P.S. Preposterous dead being invited!! Though could not understand totally..definitely brought out the cynic in you!

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